Be The Leader People Love to Work With, 4-Step Process, Same Method Jeff Bezos Uses

I recently took a powder ski lesson. My teacher is one of the best skiers on the mountain. She makes it look effortless, with speed, grace, and control no matter the terrain. Everyone notices her artistry with the slopes.

We are going up the lift, and I say to her that skiing is like running a business. The more you know, the less you know. My teacher, whom I put on the pedestal of mastery, whom I looked up to in the skiing world as one of, if not the most accomplished skier on our mountain, went on to tell me that she agreed with me. That this entirely new world of opportunity to learn to ski is a never-ending circle. You’re always in search of perfection. She went on to tell me that her ski world is constantly evolving into a positive learning circle.

With this attitude, you have to agree that I am blessed to have her as my ski instructor. She keeps chasing to be a better skier herself, challenging her capabilities in different terrain, being a better teacher, and challenging me to act on making my skiing more enjoyable in all types of terrain.

I feel the same way about my business learning. I want to bring the best tools I can develop to make your business better, draw from a 61-year lifelong learning journey, and put my skills to the test on a grand scale, like writing this post and putting it out for the world to see. The hours of contemplating what to share. What’s going to help you?

The way I look at it, your challenges challenge me. I know if I go into different terrain. I will keep sharpening my skills with my attitude to help you with your business.

If you’re up to a rewarding journey to keep improving to be a person people love to work with? Good on you. We are skiing the same terrain.

If you want to dive deeper into this topic? Make sure to download my free book… where I share my proprietary process, The Asset CEO 4-Step Method, Based on What Jeff Bezos Uses to Grow Amazon.


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