The Looking In The Mirror Lesson

Here’s a lesson of value learned early on about owning a business and over years of talking with hundreds of business owners. It is often the questions we should be asking ourselves that will give us clues to what is stopping us from achieving a better outcome.

A great question to start with, is to ask, “How intent are you with where you want to go with your firm?”

To help you answer this question at a deeper level, first decide, “At what phase or mindset am I running my business right now?”

1. As a Hobby – pay money to play.

  • This is usually evident in any new venture. Taking a chance to play by paying to do what we love doing or want to try doing.

  • You see these all the time, the bicycle owner who loves to cycle/and or fix bikes. Opens a business around a cycling passion.

2. As a Job/Profession – getting an average industry wage in return for all the energy and equity poured into a business venture.

  • This is about settling for what happens because of a lack of time to get everything that needs to be done daily.

  • Second stage of owning a new venture.

  • My pharmacist friends naturally progress to owning an independent pharmacy business. The belief is that this will be a ticket to gain more control of their future. While most end up owning a glorified burn out type of job in a highly competitive industry for low pay in trade of hours to keep business going.

  • Private Financial Industry firms are falling into this same trap as uncontrollable forces take an even greater grip on returns.

3. Become A Serious Enterprise CEO

  • Gain the power to strategically tip the scales of available time.

  • Position your organization to become an Unfair Advantage in your market

  • Leverage multiple Assets in a continual positive direction

    • Prepare to have your Return on Investment steadily increasing.

    • This is about putting yourself in the Driver’s Seat. Unleashing the power of your business vehicle.

    • This is the third level of having a business that you can be proud of. You become in more control of leveraging the assets you have built or are going to develop.

    • You discover little to no competition, as you specialize in a chosen market.

  • Get a system in place like The Asset CEO System (an adaptable operations device) that will allow you to be a Serious Enterprise CEO

There is only so much time available to us all. Having an ability to position your organization to leverage time is what separates average results from unlimited ROI. I hope identifying what phase you are in will inspire you to think deeper about what is possible without working harder. Start optimizing what you have and deciding to take the challenge of having your organization get to a Serious Enterprise CEO level. Begin today, Future-Proof Your Firm.

— Inspired by The Asset CEO Book and The Asset CEO Executive Mastermind.


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