Discover The Future of Your Financial Advisor Firm In ONE-Minute

With This Simple ONE-Minute Self-Check Method

Here’s the Multi-Million-dollar question - Is your firm holding you back, or are you holding your firm back?

Or asked at a personal health level… Who’s Going to Breakdown First - You or Your Firm?

In my experience, most business owners work far too many hours. They don’t take enough vacations, spend many nights worrying about their business, and sacrifice family time or things they love. This is all because they’ve been taught to run their business one way—as a business, they work for, not as an asset they can leverage.

It’s easy to understand why so many financial advisors feel like they’re running on a conveyor belt that’s going faster and faster. They haven’t been taught any other way to run their business.

The default position to combat any threat to their income is to get through it by working harder. This strategy is eventually going to burn you out.

Here’s a quick burnout awareness exercise you can take today. It is the first critical step to getting your intentions aligned with what you want from your business.

I know, for me, one significant positive difference we made was to intently initiate a highly productive team that wants to be with us, feel important, and grow with us. They think with their heart because they get great value working with us. It is not just a J.O.B. They look forward to performing to their best and making a difference in the world—every day.

Our Work Culture: They would volunteer to work with us… without pay.

(FYI – we pay well, as well as we can afford to stay in business - for 32+ years and running.)

I hope you see the benefit of using this same strategy. To get your team’s efforts working for you through your company. Move from using the One-Man Warrior Operations Model to implementing an All-inclusive Team Driving Your Business Model, using The Asset CEO Approach to guide the process.

Today, I will share a quick way to check how you’re doing: I want to ask you a few simple questions. To get the most value from this exercise, I suggest you grab a good old fashion pen and a piece of paper. Start by putting today’s date on the top of your page and write 1 – 4 down one side.

After you answer each question, Rate Your Happiness 1-10. One being not happy. Ten being Extremely Happy!

Ready? Let’s check how you’re doing:

Question 1: How many hours do you work in an average week? Thirty hours? Forty hours? Sixty hours? More? Rate your happiness score with your answer 1-10.

Question 2: What about weekends? Are you able to close your laptop on Friday afternoon and not check your email until Monday morning, without guilt or even a second thought? Rate your happiness score with your answer 1-10.

Question 3: How about text messages? Do you feel able to switch your phone off over the weekend, or do you think you always have to be available? Rate your happiness score with your answer 1-10

Question 4: What about your free time? Is your golf handicap where you’d like it to be, and are you giving yourself enough vacation time—two, three or four-week blocks at a time, so you’re able to really unplug and not worry about things back at the office? Rate your happiness score with your answer 1-10

What’s your total score?

1-20: Your business is running you.

21-30: You are on the right track. You’re in a sweet spot to take your business to another level. Let’s crank it up.

30-35: You’re well on your way. Let’s tweak a few things and ensure this keeps going your way.

35-40: Congratulations. You appear to be happy with what you have.

There you have it—your today’s Asset CEO Happy You Baseline Monitoring Method. Save this page somewhere you can easily retrieve it. Please take a picture in your phone notes and mark it in your calendar to rerun this same exercise six months or within the year. Make it a challenge. It only took a minute to run this simple happy health check, and now you’ll be able to gauge if you’re improving in happiness or not.

Let’s make this year your best! Improvement is possible by addressing a transformation strategy. The Asset CEO Process is a proven strategy working for us for over 32+ years. We moved from operating a company to having our company proactively driving our business. We have that feeling that we are making lifestyle choices, and money-making opportunities conveniently spike regularly.

I presume this exercise has helped you better understand what you want to happen over the next twelve months. If you like this? Please make sure you download my latest digital book to get more actionable takeaways and insights.


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