If You Don’t Want to Stay in Stagnation Mode, Stop Digging the Hole

Unleashed In Business Expertise Playground

My daughter has a Dachshund dog. His breeding, his specialty, is to dig for rodents under the ground. His nose is always close to the ground to alert him of any rodent he can smell. His body is long and sleek like a weasel. His legs are short so that he can burrow into tiny holes. His paws are like little shovels. He even has a tuft of hair under his chin to alert him of things when he can’t see under the ground. The sport of burrowing out rodents is his domain. He’s the gold medalist in this activity.

It's a blast watching him work a sandy beach. He’ll be sniffing with his nose, combing the sand. Then suddenly. Sand is flying. You can’t see him for all the sand in the air. Then he disappears into this hole that has only taken seconds to dig. You can’t help but laugh out loud when you see this ordeal. But you know he’s in his element. This is an easy, fun, fulfilling ordeal for him.

You do have to watch him like a hawk because danger lurks right beside him. If he were to go into the water right next to him, he would drown in seconds. His body type, instincts, and weakness are not meant to allow him to swim.

This leads to the point of this article. One of our entrepreneurial strengths is that we love to learn to perfect our craft. The drawback to this is that we get sucked into thinking that we need to go digging this other hole or worse, get sucked into thinking we can be a swimmer when this is nothing but a steep learning curve for us, and we find out that we don’t enjoy doing this activity at all.

Business Quickly Becomes a Dysfunctional Mess – The Cart Before the Horse Syndrome Takes Your Valuable Time Away from Doing What Made You, What You Have Today

Why do so-called experts believe you have to steal time from what made you successful? It is beyond my comprehension… why you’d even consider being something you don’t want to be—abandoning what got you to where you are now.

Your time is better spent in your field of expertise. You must agree that this would make life a lot easier for you. Imagine how it would feel if you had your business set up, so you only had to use your time perfecting your professional abilities—doing what you do best—getting better in your wheelhouse—doing what you love to do.

At the same time, you have this organization set up to expand your field of expertise. It follows a system to produce its own momentum. Liken this model to having a soft-drink vending machine, in a high-traffic area, with a lot of thirsty people. You get to watch your bank account go up for setting up the vending machine once. A genuine Asset, with a positive return of your energy. An example of intelligent use of your time!

Now it’s your turn. Let’s get you to another level. Here’s how it works: You’ll be surprised to learn that nine times out of ten, you are probably one of the nine business owners who use the Asset CEO Methodology who find that they are in this sweet spot with the resources you already have. But because you have been lured into thinking that this will require a wholesale change. You go off digging another hole. Fortunately for you, the one skill necessary for this to work is to correct your vantage point and stay out of the deep water.

Stop digging this other hole. Own a business you are proud of. Your company can’t own you. You have lost your freedom and control, and the management’s worry will kill you. Running your organization this way makes no sense to me. Let’s transform your business model to grow with you.


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